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This forest tea is the true essence of long, lasting, deep flavor and enduring complexity. These qualities come from mature forest trees, and are a result of its leaves being roasted and sun-dried by hand in a special process by southern Laos farmers. Once you have experienced this morning tea, it will become your primary choice to start your day!

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This new, rare variety of Camellia Sinensis, affectionately known as Purple Tea, is only grown in Kenya. Infused with a more earthy and rustic flavor than its black counterpart, it possesses a unique, thirst-quenching quality that is unmistakable.

Aside from its aesthetic effects, this tea boasts a host of medicinal properties, including cancer preventative benefits, lower levels of cholesterol, an increased metabolism, and even improved vision. It has an extremely low caffeine content when compared to green tea, making it the perfect beverage for day or night. In addition, Purple Tea is known to reduce the risk of hypertension and cardiac arrests, and contains anti-viral properties. Experience what the taste of Kenya has in store for you.


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28g, 75g, 454g